The Voyage Past Self-Sabotage
You can make self-sabotage a thing of the past rather than just managing the symptoms. Let go of crippling self-doubt and comparisonitis!
The Self-Talk
There's a chatterbox in your head that goes on-and-on. It's non-stop, 24/7. You may tune it out, but your subconscious mind is always listening.
Banish Burnout
It's insidious. Like a slow burn. Learn how to put out the smoldering flame that is depleting your energy and restore your body and mind to an energetic state.
Manifest by Design
Do you manifest by design, or by default? Learn about the secret code to unlock manifestation, and why it's not just for everyone else... it's your birthright too!
"Sheryl knows how to listen and lead with such spacious energy that all members of the group feel seen and heard, while not shying away from the root of an issue."
Kati Scofield
Soul Empowerment Coach